Seth, love everything about this story. And it takes me way back to learning guitar at home as a little girl with Dr. Padron, leathery skin, Cuban cigar in his mouth, classical guitar virtuoso. Pressing the flat of one or two of my middle fingers, picking and strumming, trying to sing the high notes of La Virgen de la Macarena. Most of the time I sat back mesmerized by Dr. Padron’s playing. (Needless to say, guitar did not last for me—but my love of those sounds remain.)

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After reading this sentence, "Ernie winds the truck comfortably through the bars and clubs and brothels, their fluorescent lights flickering on for the evening, out past the factories and warehouses and into the ramshackle colonias with their narrow dirt roads where tin-topped cinderblock homes lean against each other like drunks on a park bench" - I thought, damn! This is excellent writing! Like, get this guy a literary agent!

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I second Arthur. The musicality. Like ---- unreal.

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